Well my plans fell through and I found myself available to
go to one of the classes. I debated whether or not I really wanted to. I had a few
glasses of wine the night before and would really have preferred to stay in
bed, but I said to myself, “Self – you say you don’t work out because you don’t
have the time – well here you go! You have time. Now get your ass out of bed!” So I did.
I had no
idea what kind of class I was attending. I was a little nervous because,
my back had been bothering me all week, and I didn’t want to completely throw
it out. I know some of the classes they offer are strenuous and because I had not
been working our regularly, I did not think it would be wise for me to overdo it. But something just told me to go.... so I did.
I walked into the club and we got started. “Grab a jump rope.” I
“Shit! I should have stayed in bed.” I started to panic. “I have not jumped rope
in over 40 years. Are you freakin’ kidding me?” I thought to myself. But I
follow orders and got a jump rope. It
was awkward, but before I knew it, I was jumping rope. “Hmm. I can do this. Look at me, I am jumping
rope! “
Then I stumbled. Once I stumbled all I could focus on was
that I could not get back in the groove. The more I focused that I couldn’t do
it, the more I couldn’t do it. Then I stopped focusing on what I couldn’t do
and just did it. And then I was jumping rope again…..Until I stumbled. Again, I was focused on not getting my groove. I kept tripping and
could not get back into a groove. The more I focused on not being able to jump, the more I couldn't jump. As this continued to happen to me, I realized that our thoughts really do create our
reality. The more I continued to think that I could not jump rope – I couldn’t.
Once I took the focus off of what I couldn’t do, I was jumping rope!
As I stood there at
8:30 in the morning, jumping rope I realized that the universe really does work
in mysterious ways. The plans that I had scheduled for Saturday morning were in
place for months. They were only cancelled less than 12 hours before I was in the club
jumping rope. Kelly has never
called me up to invite me to one of her classes. In fact, I have only worked out with Kelly in one of her
classes once and that was a few years
ago. So the universe not only wanted me
to have a great workout, even if I can’t
walk up and down stairs or sit without holding on to something, it taught me a much
stronger lesson yesterday morning.......
Whatever you believe is true......
If you think you are
less than – you are! If you think you can’t – you can’t!
If you think you are
powerful – you are!
If you think you are unstoppable – you are!
What is your reality?
Where is your focus?
Where is your focus?
What can you do today to believe that you can do anything
you want?
Because you can.... you just need to believe it and it will be true!
And you DID!! Having the pleasure of getting to know you as a friend (in addition to knowing you as a co worker) I believe you are one of those people that has unlimited potential. For you the sky truly is the limit and the universe is your guide.